Thursday, 20 March 2008

This one might upset a few trainers...

An incredibly interesting debate has been started over the US versus UK stance on the use of 'off the record' comments made by interviewees.

It was prompted by the Scotsman's Gerri Peeve running a front page emblazoned with the headline 'Clinton is a Monster' - an 'off the record' comment made in an interviewee with a member of Barack Obama's staff - Samantha Powers. The discussion was firmly 'on the record' but when Powers suggested that Hillary was a monster, she quickly realised her gaffe and demanded that Peev treated it as off the record.

We always advise delegates that nothing can ever be guaranteed as off the record - so if you'd rather not see something in print then just DON'T say it.

Follow the link below to see the showdown between MSNCB's Tucker Carlson and the Scotsman's Gerri Peeve...


Anonymous said...

Ouch. She had to run with that story though really.

Anonymous said...

Even this shows how different the US are from UK media. Maybe they will know better next time!

Anonymous said...

Keep up the good work.