Thursday, 18 June 2009

Blogging Champion

The below link is a very positive story from Business Week, quoting Nokia's policy of not only allowing staff to blog their 'issues' but also how the company thinks this is invaluable R&D.

All too often we hear stories of companies stopping staff using blogs to get their voices heard but while we would acknowledge there are some potential problems, surely these can be far outweighed by the positives?

Wednesday, 3 June 2009

Have they heard of media training?

Many of the Telegraph's revelations over the last few weeks have been shocking enough but here at Bluewood, we can't believe the total lack of skill most of the MPs seem to have used during their media interviews.

Admittedly it's been some of the backbenchers under the spotlight this time and they might not have the same experience as some but haven't they heard of media training? It was this gem on the standard's site which surprised us most:

Here's a tip for MPs; before any interview you may want to anticipate some of the negative questions!